IDDB is Set To Be Indonesia's First Bond Tokenization Project, Aiming to Join OJK's Sandbox and Trade on Nanovest - Koran Mandalika

IDDB is Set To Be Indonesia’s First Bond Tokenization Project, Aiming to Join OJK’s Sandbox and Trade on Nanovest

Minggu, 1 September 2024 - 06:55

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Jakarta, Indonesia  PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano officially collaborated with PT Tumbuh Bersama Nano (Nanovest), presenting Indonesia’s first bond tokenization product innovation. The ID Digital Bonds (IDDB) is the first project in Indonesia to adopt the tokenization of financial assets in the form of bonds. This IDDB project is the result of development and collaboration between Nanovest as a crypto exchange, which is registered as CPFAK, PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano (SBN) as token issuer, STAR Asset Management as investment manager partner, and Bank Sinarmas as custodian, which holds bond financial assets.

Bank Indonesia (BI) noted that there had been an outflow of funds or capital from within the country to abroad, either directly or indirectly (capital outflow), amounting to IDR 780 billion from June 19-20, 2024. The flow of foreign capital came out through net stock market sales of IDR 1.42 trillion. Meanwhile, foreign capital flows in through net purchases of Government Securities (SBN) amounting to IDR 450 billion and SRBI (Bank Indonesia Securities) amounting to IDR 190 billion.

Based on the information above, the height of capital outflow creates a project IDDB. This was initiated and designed to help the country’s development. In the initial stage, we will develop a tokenization project on government bonds with the INDON 34 series using the currency USD (United States dollar). Through IDDB tokens, investors will be able to access bonds more easily because the minimum capital required to buy IDDB tokens will be much smaller than buying INDON 34 series bonds.



To date, the global tokenization market has shown astonishing growth that has had a major impact on the global economy. According to Markets & Markets, the tokenization market is expected to expand from $2.3 billion in 2021 to $5.6 billion in 2025, with an average annual growth rate of 19%. Today, tokenization has enormous potential and continues to develop along with the technology of blockchain.

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According to the Coingecko report, RWA (Real World Assets) is the most popular narrative in Q1 & 2 in 2024, capturing 35.7% market share. Meanwhile, RWA itself contributed a total of 11% of the web traffic to the narrative listed on CoinGecko. The RWA token itself is a token that represents real assets such as gold, shares, houses, and other assets, which are created through a tokenization process using smart contracts blockchain.

Currently, the IDDB token is officially in the process of becoming a participant in the OJK Sandbox. Potential investors will certainly get various attractive benefits through this IDDB token. Quoted from Bank Panin, state bond transactions, especially INDON 34, require a transaction value of at least $200,000 or around IDR 3 billion. The existence of the IDDB token can open up opportunities for potential investors to buy INDON 34 series bonds. With a more affordable transaction nominal, starting from $1000. Through the IDDB Token, potential investors will be allowed to engage with low-risk but high-quality financial assets in a way that is easier, safer, with a smaller minimum purchase, and more efficient than before.

Gumarus Dharmawan William, CEO of PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano says, “We are proud to present our latest product innovation by presenting ID Digital Bonds (IDDB) tokens to the Indonesian people. Through this project, we are committed to continuing to meet growing investor demand by providing access to Real World Asset (RWA) tokens with underlying bond financial assets. We are confident that IDDB can provide unprecedented liquidity, transparency, and accessibility in bond financial assets so that it can ultimately contribute to developing the country by increasing positive capital inflow into Indonesia.

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Billy Surya Jaya, Main Director of Nanovest, added “Nanovest is a crypto exchange, and, of course, we are very happy to be a facilitator of IDDB token transactions for public consumers. In launching this latest product, potential investors will certainly be spoiled with various profitable portfolio choices. More than that, investors will also have a sense of security because IDDB is the first token with underlying asset bonds, which are officially in the process of becoming sandbox participants at the OJK (Financial Services Authority).

In the future, IDDB tokens will soon be traded via Nanovest, a platform investment that provides a wide selection of digital assets, including United States stocks, crypto assets, and also gold. Nanovest has a mission to always provide convenience, security, and a pleasant experience for customers in Indonesia when investing. Practical and practical application display simply also encourages, especially the millennial generation and Gen Z, to start investing in various available assets.


Nanovest (PT Tumbuh Bersama Nano) is a platform-application-based, which makes it easier for customers or users to access digital asset transactions, including United States stocks, crypto assets, and digital gold. We aim to revolutionize the way young people invest to achieve their financial freedom. Nanovest officially registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI).

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

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